I bought an EZFlora last week and I am trying to get Status changed events. This event is supposed to be broadcasted by the EZFlora when a valve goes off or on while running a program.
I don’t have any valve connected to the device right now, but if I do a Status Request, I get a valid ACK with the expected result (i.e: after 1 minute, I see that Valve1 is closed and valve 2 is open). So could it really be because I have no valve connected?
Also, how does the linking work? I am using my own software to send command to the EZflora through my PLM. I pressed the SET button 3sec on the ezflora, then on the PLM. Then I pressed SET 3sec on the PLM and then on the EZFlora to establish linking both ways. Is this what is needed? I read somewhere that if the EZFlora is linked, it will not broadcast status changed events. So I unlinked my EZFlora from the PLM (entered unlink mode on EZFlora and pressed set 3sec on PLM, but I did not do the same thing on the PLM). I still don’t get any broadcast messages.
I should mention that I send command 0x44,0x09 (enable valve status change event) when my software initializes. and I can confirm that bit6 of the control register is set when reading it.