Today I grabbed the SHN Utility source code from SourceForge and ended up getting an older version – 1.6 instead of the newest 1.75.
Is there any way you could update SourceForge so we could help make this program better?
For example, I can see why the “Delete Macro” command is crashing. The “Delete Macro” command is looking into the list of timers, not the list of macros, to determine which to delete. Since I have no timers, it results in a “null reference exception” – even if I had timers, I assume this would mean it would delete the wrong thing.
I would fix this bug myself and submit the update if I wouldn’t be downgrading the source code in the process.
Also one other thing I’d do is add the ability to create macros that respond to double-taps and holds on the Relay switches. Currently SHN Utility only allows macros on “ON” and “OFF”, yet these switches can produce a bunch of other events that lend themselves well to being macro triggers.
Please update the source if possible! (or if the newest is already there, please suggest what I might have done wrong to get 1.6 instead, as I haven’t used SourceForge much in the past.)