HOME Forums Gateways EZSrve Upgraded to V2.00.51 – Cannot Access Flash Interface

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 36

    When I type “?url=” into my browser (IE8), I get “address is not valid”. However, I can get to the regular web interface fine using when I’m inside my network.
    I did notice that when I type “?url=” it comes back as http:///?url= (notice the third foward slash). I’ve tried using different combinations of my external address and internal address with no luck. Anyone have any thoughts?

    Post count: 36

    I figured it out. The full adddress I need to use to access the flash interface is:


    I guess this raises the question, what is compacta.org?

    Post count: 1001

    Joe, glad you figured out the URL. No magic about the compacta.org URL, it is the server that SHN chose to run the Flash interface during the Beta+, Release Candidate testing.

    Post count: 36

    Excuse my ignorance on this, but if I understand you correctly, the flash interface actually runs on a webserver and not on the device itself?

    Post count: 1001

    For the Alpha test of the Flash interface, it is accessed through the SHN server. I really don’t know how much is executing from the SHN server and how much is running on the Adobe Flash code on your PC. I think it is running on the Adobe Flash code in your PC but I could be wrong about that. It is an Alpha environment so wherever it comes from and how it runs will change when it is actually part of the distributed V2 product.

    Post count: 256

    Let me clarify what is the most important aspect of the new Flash interface.

    When you point your browser to http://www.compacta.org, there is only one page that loads which contains the Adobe Flash file containing the ENTIRE application. As Lee pointed out, Compacta.org is just one of our servers hosting the application at this point. But it simply serves the one page containing the application (index.html).
    Then the magic happens: The Flash player plug-in on a browser is just a virtual machine that acts as a complete computing platform. Once the player gets the application, it connects to your EZSrve via its IP socket (8002 by default), and proceeds to exchange messages with the Flash player via the XML API. This truly makes for a balanced division of labor. The Flash player does what it does best, rendering objects on the screen, and providing the rich user interaction. ESZrve does all the heavy duty stuff, sending commands to devices, maintaining timers, keeping track of actions, etc. The data structures that make all this possible are all human readable: Devices.xml, Actions.xml, Areas.xml, etc. The exchanges from the Flash Player (the Client) and the EZSrve (the Server) are all done at the xml level.

    We will provide a version of the application for those that do not want to depend on an external server to do the initial loading. This will be the same application, built to run on the Adobe IR runtime environment. The advantages of hosting the application should be obvious, but a most notable one will be the ability to provide upgrades transparently to EZSrve users.

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