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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 69

    It mentions in the quick start guide that this can be programmed from a pc or the ezsrve. Does this mean that the ir codes can be set through one of these interfaces, or must those be recorded from the ezuirt? I can see being able back up the device, ir codes AND their associated commands, as very beneficial. Perhaps even have a default set of codes for the Logitech harmony to easily incorporate…

    So far, I like what I see! 🙂

    Post count: 408

    “Out of the gate” the free utility will support connection through the EZSrve connection. There will be the ability to add codes manually, and the actions as well. We will make a forum section available for people to list their codes, plus the ones we have used to date.

    I will look into getting a logitech harmony set – can you believe I don’t own one yet? I have been looking for an excuse – I think this may be it.

    Post count: 2

    Since I have my EZUIRT in hand, I assume that we’re “out of the gate”. Is the aforementioned Windows utility available anywhere? I was unable to find it…

    I’ve had mixed results programming mine directly. I programmed a toggle using an “NEC” command set. It worked great (turning the lights on and off), so I hit it a few more time. Then it quit working, and has never worked since. I was able to program a different key, but have been unable to get that original key to do anything…


    Post count: 408

    Here is a direct link to the utility

    If you have any problems – email or call us directly for a quick response.

    You can still use the forums, but there is a lag of a 1-2 days or so typically…

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