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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 3

    I am trying to program multiple IR codes being sent from a EZUIRT when you press button 4 of a Keypadlinc. I am programing it from the Simplehomenet Utility v1.81. Here is what I have so far under the Manage Device Links Tab of the utility.
    Link Record 1 – Responder to Device 10.6.9E; Group: 4; Data 3,7A,1D
    Link Record 2 – Responder to Device 10.6.9E; Group 44; Data 3,7A,16

    When I press the keypad linc button 4 the above 2 commands work great and the ir commands fire off. When I try to add a 3rd ir command I cant get it to work. I dont know what group number to put in for for the 3rd command , and I am not sure if I should use group 44 for the second command. Can anyone help with what Group numbers I should be using?

    Post count: 1001

    The Links and Code Records document for the EZUIRT seems wrong. For the upper 3 bits to represent a value of 0-7 for the 1-8 codes the bit pattern would be …..

    000x yyyy – 0x – code 1
    001x yyyy – 2x – code 2
    010x yyyy – 4x – code 3
    011x yyyy – 6x – code 4
    100x yyyy – 8x – code 5
    101x yyyy – Ax – code 6
    110x yyyy – Cx – code 7
    111x yyyy – Ex – code 8

    I would try 24 for your next code which I think is really code 2 but probably does not make any difference except perhaps in the order the IR codes are sent.

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