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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 4

    I was going to try to connect to the ZBP system using DBus. I know the object path (‘/ZBP_System’) but what is the bus name?

    Apologize if this is in the documentation but I just haven’t been able to find it. Is DBus access still supported by Smartenit or is it recommended to just use the XML api?


    Post count: 4

    For anyone that is interested,

    I got to talk to one of the Sr. Engineers for Smartenit that let me know that DBus is no longer a supported interfacing technology for the Raspberry Pi ZBP server.

    He directed me to use the REST API instead. I am glad that he did because it looks great! So much easier to access my devices then the XML way. Here is a link to the REST API documentation:


    Post count: 259

    Peter, thanks for sharing the info. How’s the App development going?

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