Our Mission
We believe our homes and buildings should be harmoniously integrated systems, and not just collections of disconnected appliances and sub-systems.
Technology advances must enhance our quality of life, while maximizing our resources and making us better stewards of our planet, as well as be accessible to all, not just the rich and technologically savvy.
The customer experience must be at the forefront in the design of our products and, while delivering this experience, we must strive to make these systems accessible and controllable from anywhere we live, work or play…
Our Story

Planting olive trees in our hobby farm in the California Central Coast while living in Southern California, created a need to remotely control and monitor irrigation of the young saplings. The scarcity and high cost of commercial systems led to development of our first product, the EZFlora, an 8-zone wireless irrigation controller. The newly found passion to wirelessly connect things around our olive grove and main residence was fueled incessantly from there on. Clearly, nothing in these places was meant to work with anything else, so we set out to automate everything with a common framework. Years later, the olive trees are thriving and giving us the best California Extra Virgin Olive Oil there is and we’ve automated practically every light, pump and heater we could find in addition to the major systems. Best of all, without even realizing it, we’ve developed a mature automation offering, with devices, a platform and apps. Who would have known then we’d be calling it the Internet of Things