Is it possible to boost the x-10 signal coming from the EZSrve to make it stronger? I am trying to control a number of x-10 devices that worked with the old x-10 CM15a plugged into the same outlet I am now using for the EZSrve and it is not working. I can get the EZSrve to control an x-10 device if I place the x10 device it in the same room as the EZSrve, but that is it.
My Insteon devices work great but I am having no luck with the X10 devices that just worked last week with the CM15a. I know x-10 is not as reliable as insteon is but I was wondering if there is any way to get this too work. I tried the EZServe with a passive x-10 coupler pluged in to the dryer outlet and without it plugged in , and no luck.